Why the Caravan? Why Now?

IMMIGRATION - migrant caravan arrives at US

(Photo Credit:  Fox News)

by Diane Rufino, November 14, 2018

The caravan is here and some folks are saying that the migrants are already entering the country illegally. We’ll soon find out when we hear the news (the honest news sources, that is).

One month ago, 1,000 people started walking from Northern Honduras,, beginning a journey that they planned would end with them entering the United States. Along the way, passing through Guatemala and then Mexico, the numbers grew. At one point, just before election season, some estimated their growing numbers to be as high as 14, 000.

You have to ask yourself:  Why this mass caravan of Hispanics?  Why was it organized to coincide with our mid-term election?  Why this very public display highlighting the core of our immigration policy controversy? And most importantly, who helped organize it?

Getting closer to the US border, the caravan appears to have split up, with the majority taking a break to consider their options in light of President Trump’s position and others splintering off to continue pressing forward. We also seems likely that subsequent caravans have organized, days and weeks behind the lead caravan. We are told that approximately 6,500 of those mostly Central American migrants will arrive at our border in the coming days. According to a reporter embedded with the caravan, as of yesterday, they are about halfway to Tijuana, Mexico, where many will apply for asylum or pay a smuggler to get them over the border to Houston or San Jose or Omaha, Nebraska. The lead caravan is presently resting in the Benito Juarez Auditorium in Guadalajara, Mexico’s second largest city and more than 1,000 miles away from Tijuana. They are awaiting instructions on where they will go tomorrow. It’s part of an almost-daily routine of walking, hitchhiking, arriving at a town and then waiting for the “open-borders” group Pueblo Sin Fronteras to tell them where they will go the next day. But in the meantime, the Mexican government issued more than 2,000 more than temporary visas to stay in the country while they await the legal asylum process in the United States.

But roughly 350 migrants have already reached the border. They were part of smaller splinter groups who grew impatient with the caravan’s progress, preferring to forego the security of traveling in numbers to more quickly file their asylum claims in the United States, which local authorities have claimed they’ve done.

The plan, of course, was to create a confrontation and perhaps even a crisis at our border just in time for the mid-term election. The timing was impeccable and should strongly suggest that the whole caravan thing was contrived and planned by high-ranking Democrats and George Soros. The plan was – and still is – to have a humanitarian crisis at the border, involving children and perhaps even some weary and sick from the long trip, where the all-too-willing liberal news can eat it up and broadcast it 24/7 on their stations and through their puppets in the entertainment industry to somehow undermine President Trump’s stance on immigration and affect our country’s immigration policy for the worse.

Filmmaker Ami Horowitz went to Mexico to find the caravan and report on it. This is what he had to say:

“Despite the framing of the caravan as being full of woman and children, the reality on the ground is quite different. Approximately 90-95% of the migrants are male. The major narrative being pushed by the press is that the migrants are fleeing Honduras because they are escaping extreme violence and that their lives are under a constant threat of it, setting up the strategy that they will be able to enter the US by asking for asylum.  So I began by asking the men a simple question:  ‘Why are you coming to America?’

Answers (all in Spanish):  Man #1:  ‘For a better life. Economic.’

Man #2:  “For a job, because in Honduras there are no jobs.’

There is a massive logistical effort underway (Ami shows footage of several large carrier trucks), akin to moving an army, that is clearly costing someone millions of dollars for the transportation, food, water, medicine, supplies, and services that are being provided for the members of the caravan. The Mexican government also seems to be involved. It is sending police to escort the dozens of buses and trucks that are ferrying the migrants and supplies along the route to the next destination.

Ever present among the thousands of migrants are workers from Pueblo Sin Fronteras, clad in black tee shirts and colored vests. ‘Pueblo Sin Fronteras’ means ‘People without borders.’ They are the ones who seem to be most involved in organizing and mobilizing this caravan. The organization, as the name implies, is looking to create a world without borders, which seems to be one of the reasons why they organized this caravan in the first place. It’s looking to challenge American sovereignty. While it does seem that the majority of the migrants are friendly and simply want a better life for themselves and their families, there’s an undeniable element among the migrants that is violent and dangerous. The migrants know this and some have even experienced their violence firsthand.

It seems to me that there are leftist organizations that are using these migrants as a tool to push a certain political agenda, which includes the weakening of American sovereignty and our border security, and unfortunately, these migrants are going to be caught in the crossfire.

One of the lies that the fake news, the mainstream media, is trying to propagate is that this is somehow an organic movement… that all the food and supplies are magically falling from the skies, like manna from heaven. The fact is that it’s all highly organized and paid for by a number of leftist organizations. We don’t know exactly where the money is coming from but we do know that Pueblo Sin Fronteras has a couple of front organizations in the US and the money is flowing in from them. We can’t say for sure that George Soros is behind this movement, funding it, but we do know that he has funded these same organizations in the past. We are absolutely sure, though, that the money isn’t coming from Honduras.”

Again, you have to ask yourself:  Why was this caravan organized?  Who is behind it and for what purpose?

Ami Horowitz is probably correct that the Pueblo Sin Fronteras (“People Without Borders”) group has organized it, but the question is who funded it and who is the real push behind the movement?

The question can be answered by looking at how this movement is playing out. First, and most obvious, is the question; Can’t we help these people out in the countries where they live? Isn’t it better for them to help them in their own countries?  It’s certainly better for the United States. We can send aid, economic advisors, etc. That’s what we’ve done with other countries. It’s what we do. Yet those in power are not interested in that solution. On the contrary, and secondly, Democrats have consistently called for open borders, encouraged uncontrolled immigration (especially from our southern neighbors), and they have sent lawyers down to Mexico in the past to provide legal advice and services on “what to say” and ‘how to say it” in order to gain entrance into this country. Third, Democrats are facing trouble with their political future

So it’s safe to assume that the movement is not about the well-being of the migrants but rather about what’s best for the future of the Democratic Party. Having no message to run on, other than hate, division, and obstruction to President Trump, and no plans to move the country forward, to invest in the growth of our citizens, or to create wealth, it is beginning to hemorrhage voters. The #Walkaway movement is evidence of that. To counter this loss of political power, it needs a stream of new voters – those who it can count on to be loyal on account for their absolute need for government services and hand-outs.  Hispanic immigrants. And lots of them.

If the #Walkaway movement is truly what it appears to be, Democrats are going to need as many Hispanic immigrants flooding over here as possible. The #Walkaway movement and the Blexit (“Black exit” from the Democratic Party) have powerful messages. Consider what Candace Owens of TurningPoint USA had to say: “For decades, the black community has been in an emotionally abusive relationship with the Democrat Party. Our fidelity to leftist politicians coupled with our false belief that a larger government might facilitate solutions, has led to the overall collapse of our families, neighborhoods, and incidentally, our futures. BLEXIT is a national movement of minorities that have awakened to the truth. It is for those who have taken an objective look at our decades-long allegiance to the left and asked ourselves “what do we have to show for it?”

Other minority groups, including the LGBT community, have similar messages.

What we are seeing, with the caravan as well as the everyday illegal crossings into our country (and the “magnets” Democrats have put in place to attract them, like welfare and other social programs, free education, free healthcare, sanctuary cities, etc), is the active program to grow the Democrat Party. It is no coincidence that twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said: “We want open borders and unlimited immigration to ensure democrats are the only party that remains in power.”

But Democrats better be careful of what they wish for. And the rest of the country needs to be aware of the dangers that the Party’s immigration position pose here.

Looking at the videos and looking at the thousands and thousands in this caravan, it can’t be over-stated that almost the entire migrant population is comprised of males. They leave a huge mess wherever they stay and in many cases, you see them carrying the flag of their countries. You also see them burning the American flag and shouting insults and obscenities at our president.  People seeking asylum don’t come here with flags from their country; invaders do. People who want to become Americans don’t show hatred for us.

The Hispanics in California are now happily supporting a Calexit movement – to secede from the United States and to establish a new country for themselves and their people. As Marcus Ruis Evans, one of the co-founders of the movement, admitted at a conference in Dallas on Saturday, Nov 10, it is a movement “for brown-skinned people.”  Is that what we want to happen all over the southwest ??

Let us never forget this one critical point: The government belongs to the People, and NOT — absolutely NOT — to a political party. It belongs to the PEOPLE in order to serve them and their interests, and to keep them safe; under no understanding of our founding and of our government system does government exist to serve its own political interests. If that’s where we are, then government is illegitimate and we have the right, and probably the duty as free human beings, to alter or abolish it. We certainly MUST drain the swamp, destroy the Deep State, divest the government of all unconstitutional power and spending, and allow people once again to control their destiny and the destiny of the country they love. They do NOT deserve to have continuous uncontrolled immigration forced on them, diluting the ethnicities of their communities, burdening their school systems, burdening their medical services, bringing crime, often bringing filth, and most of all burden our social services, of which WE pay for. America is not a life support system for the rest of the world.

People can’t keep coming here for a better life when that “better life” ends up being that they suck money from taxpayers. We the taxpayers will never reach that happy place where we pay only a reasonable amount in taxes for the proper running of our country when we end up also having to take care of more than half of our country’s population and then all the immigrants as well. What the Heck? No person on welfare or accepting government assistance for essentials should have the right to vote, or if they do, their vote should only carry a fraction of the weight of a taxpayer. Otherwise, the truth of the matter is that we have, in this country, “Taxation without Fair Representation.” We have too many people voting to tax, otherwise burden, or take away, funds and property belonging to others. A socialist is a person who gladly votes to give away that which doesn’t belong to him.

WAKE UP FOLKS. If you are a Democrat… WALK AWAY. Walk away for the sake of your country. If you are on the fence, vote for common sense and for the longevity of this land we love. The right to vote is a powerful right, but it should not be abused. With the right to vote, comes the duty to do so responsibly, to preserve the country we were handed to the future generations of Americans. Vote to restore common sense – for your families and for your children and grandchildren one day.

One final thought:  How do you make America great again??  You have a country full of those who love her and want to contribute to her success, who reflect her values in the way they conduct themselves and live their lives, who support the president and government when they take measures to improve her situation, reputation, and standing, and who are patriotic. You do NOT make America great by allowing unchecked immigration of those who fly the flag of other countries, who burn our flag or otherwise desecrate it, who carry signs “America is evil” or “America is the great Satan” or “F*** Trump,” who are criminals or have criminal tendencies, who are engaged in the South American drug rings or Mexican drug cartels, who seek to drive trucks into crowds of innocent people, plant bombs at a marathon, blow up community centers, nightclubs, or other buildings, or shoot up our citizens or members of our military at their bases.

In order to Keep America Great, the federal government (in concert with the states) need to fix our broken immigration system, set limits on immigration, set limits on the numbers coming from various parts of the world (as we have done throughout our entire history), and refuse – absolutely refuse – to give in whenever shenanigans like this caravan threaten to cross our border. After all, it is an express Constitutional responsibility of government and was a condition of our joining into this union known as the United States. If the government doesn’t have to exercise its responsibilities, then we shouldn’t have to as citizens. That’s the nature of a Constitution.

FOX News (Tucker Carlson), “The Caravan is a Myth” –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLJtznxJ1-g

About forloveofgodandcountry

I'm originally from New Jersey where I spent most of my life. I now live in North Carolina with my husband and 4 children. I'm an attorney
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